16 Sep How Drama Classes can benefit your child’s future
When your child tells you they want to be an athlete you sign them up for weekend sport. If they tell you they want to be a politician, you encourage them to try debating. When they say they want to be the next Ariana Grande, you put them into singing lessons.
Every parent wants their child to be able to achieve their dreams, so they put them into the extra-curricular activities that will help grow their skills while they’re young.
So for what reason should you put your child into Drama Classes? Well of course if your child tells you they want to be an actor, Speak Up is the best place to start.. But why, out of our 800 students, do most have very different future aspirations than ‘actor’. Why have they joined our classes?
Drama teaches much more than ‘acting’
There is far more to drama classes than just churning out the next Leonardo Di Caprio. Drama and the arts, in general, teaches young people just about every skill needed to live in this big colourful world of ours.

10 life skills you will learn in a drama class
In the drama classroom we celebrate differences and teach our students to do the same. We are empathic and gentle with our students, which in turn teaches them to do the same with others.
Playing ‘roles’ in drama gives young people the opportunity to learn about and research people who are different to themselves. We take the time to learn the layers behind characters and their choices – therefore inspiring us to do the same with the people we meet in our real life.
Did you know kids can get agitated by one another? Surprise right (can you sense the sarcasm through my keyboard?). Inspired by skills in empathy, and striving for positive collaboration, drama teaches tolerance to young people. It teaches them to understand others and respond appropriately.
Collaboration & Teamwork
Drama relies on teamwork and collaboration, even a one person show has a director, producer and tech team hustling away behind the scenes.
You’ll notice very quickly, while working on any given drama production, that the success of a show relies on contribution and collaboration from everyone involved. Our classes are therefore built on teamwork and strong, supportive ensembles.
At the other end of the spectrum, drama also teaches independence. We ensure we assign tasks such as learning lines, character research and other homework for students to work on independently.
Initiative & Dedication
Drama productions in particular demand that individuals are willing and ready to step up at any time. As drama kids grow, they learn the importance of their own initiative to step up and step in to help the show succeed.
Our students learn quickly that dedicating themselves to their class, rehearsals and show, is what makes drama and being on stage feel so deeply rewarding.
Working towards a performance in drama teaches students to respect and rely on each other, including trusting in each other’s abilities and that they will succeed at their role.
Working under a teacher in the classroom or a director in rehearsals, teaches both how to respect authority, but also how they deserve to be treated by their authority (with kindness!). Respect for classmates and authority, directly translates into respect for future coworkers and employers.
Flexibility & Adaptability
Drama people are champions of being flexible and adapting to disaster (it’s how we’ve survived this pandemic!). We teach this to our kids in the classroom, as we present them with what’s real and invite them to be a part of solving crisis’.
Drama kids are taught to be ready to try new things, accept new challenges and live in a world that’s constantly changing.
Once you’ve performed on stage and heard the applause of an audience, you feel like you can do anything! Drama and performance grows young people’s self-confidence as they are put into unfamiliar territory (on display on a stage) and then get the great feeling of success!

Individuality & Authenticity
We love individuality in the drama classroom, which inspires our kids to be authentic. It’s not uncommon for the drama classroom to be considered an especially safe place for young people in the LGBTQI+ community to be out.
We praise our students interests, personalities and self-presentation, and teach them to not only be confident and comfortable individuals, but also help others in turn feel the same.
“Failure” and resilience
One of the greatest things you’ll learn in drama is “failure.” This includes what failure looks like, how it feels and most importantly of all, how to bounce back from it.
It may be that you don’t get the part you auditioned for, or you buggered a line up at the performance – but drama teaches you that there’s always a next time, and how to process those feelings, and put them into bouncing back better than ever!
So, can Drama help your child?
Take a look at the list above and consider how many of these skills benefit jobs far beyond the arts industry.
- Athletes need team work, independence, dedication & resilience.
- Politicians need empathy, respect & confidence
- Future Ariana Grande’s need individuality, initiative & confidence
So, what does your child want to be when they grow up? No matter the answer, drama can help them on that pathway.