01 Mar Creating Confident Kids
Imagine how empowering it would be for your child to truly feel confident, as they delight their audience with a story. They might be proudly speaking in front of their class, bravely performing on stage, clearly expressing themselves in an interview, or happily making a new friend. Stories are woven into the fabric of our lives.
Speak Up Studio is passionate about giving each child the skills they need to tell stories — skills that will help them in school, and stay with them for life.
We wanted to share this rhyme with you to help you understand our approach in helping children find their inner confidence.
When Speak Up students small and tall
Got up on stage in the concert hall
Their mums and dads looked on with pride.
“What a wonder! What a day!” They cried.
“To see them standing on the stage
So brave, and strong and unafraid.
Confidence and talent in equal measure,
It makes our hearts just leap with pleasure!”
So what is confidence? Would you be able
To look and find it under the table?
Have you forgotten? Don’t you know?
It’s simple really, here we go:
Confidence is knowing it’s ok to be you
Whoever you are, that’s truer than true
Speech and drama is just one of the ways
Kids find confidence, and end up on stage!
WATCH our concert highlights video to see our students exuding confidence as they perform proudly on stage.
Click here to find out more about how Speak Up classes can help your child or contact us on 07 3367 8572.