25 Oct Why we love Roald Dahl
With his stories of mischievous children, evil witches, wondrous adventures, and fantastic creatures, Roald Dahl takes us all to a world of magic and amazement! It’s clear to see why we love Roald Dahl!
Not only was he a short story writer, novelist, and one of Speak Up Studio’s most beloved authors, he was also a fighter pilot! What a guy! Dahl served in the British airforce during World War II before trying his hand at writing, and we are so happy he did!
His children’s stories champion the kind-hearted, the underdog, quite often the child being ‘mistreated’ by the evil grandmother, wicked aunts, and even the Big Bad Wolf! These stories take us away from our world and allow us to enter the world of mystery, funny new words, silliness, and joy.
This year our Annual concert is a tribute to this wondrous author! Our students are working hard this term on scenes and poems from a few of his magical stories, and we can’t wait to see them perform on stage on Saturday 1st December.
Click here to read more about our 2018 Roald Dahl concert …